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One Community, One Spirit, One Heart

Baptismal Preparation Program


This program involves a team of parishioners who present classes for the parents and assist at the Baptisms. Sessions are offered monthly except during quarterly (January, March, July, and October) and baptisms are monthly at the Sunday Masses except during Lent. Parents must call the Parish Office to register for the preparation classes. 

The baptism of infants is normally celebrated at the Masses on one weekend each month (except during Lent, Advent and July). Arrangements are to be made with the Parish Office at least three months in advance of the baptism. Attendance at a preparation class is required.

All sessions are offered on a specific Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Administration Building.

The dates for baptism preparation classes may be obtained by calling the Parish Office at (989) 772-1385.